O fanatismo é zelo cego
e apaixonado, nascido de crenças endurecidas e que faz cometer atos ridículos,
injustos e cruéis, não apenas sem vergonha ou remorso, mas com uma espécie de
alegria e consolo. O fanatismo é a recusa de qualquer convívio social livre e
Imaginemos um enorme templo
onde a cada metro exista um altar a certo deus inimigo de outros, postos em
altares próximos. A guerra entre os vários seguidores não se limita ao interior
do templo mas segue fora dele, prejudica a todos os alheios aos cultos ali
praticados. A técnica usada pelos adeptos de todos os deuses é o paradoxo.
Paradoxo é termo grego que significa ir contra o pensamento comum. Absurdos são
usados pelos fanáticos para maravilhar
ou trazer medo aos que não partilham
suas crenças. As falas paradoxais são acompanhadas de gestos paradoxais,
prodígios, promessas, milagres. O medo, sobretudo o de perder a vida e o
sentido da vida. Os fanáticos costumam aterrorizar os ainda não atraídos por
seus dogmas. Do inferno às ameaças de morte, na receita do fanatismo o medo é o
fermento que faz crescer a massa.
O medo divide os
ameaçados física ou moralmente pelo fanático. Este não aceita a condição de
minoria e tenta desorientar a maioria, gera guerra e secessão. Um meio para tal
fim é a calúnia, a injúria, mentiras
sobre os que não vivem na seita e, mesmo, dos que nela vivem mas não aprovam
totalmente seus métodos e certezas. A luta do fanático para impor dogmas começa
na perseguição dos que, em vez de acreditar na sua palavra, procuram a verdade
fora dos círculos por ele dominados. O medo faz o fanático indicar vítimas
propiciatórias, as quais devem ser massacradas para que seu partido seja aceito
ou aplacado. Não existe fanatismo sem execuções físicas ou morais dos alheios
ou contrários à fé sectária. Quanto mais justa e prudente uma pessoa, mais será
ela candidata ao ataque. As crianças e os velhos são também destinados ao
sacrifício, porque as primeiras estão longe de serem militantes ágeis do
fanatismo, e os segundos deixaram a idade em que podem ser úteis à causa
O fanatismo surge em
todas as sociedades, classes, situações humanas. Nas igrejas e partidos
políticos encontram-se fanáticos e pessoas prudentes. Numa crise social,
política ou econômica, no entanto, os fanáticos ganham relêvo, aproveitam o
medo da sociedade para aprofundar o embate de todos contra todos. O fanatismo se instala no mundo islâmico ou
cristão, católico ou protestante, ateu ou religioso. O fanático adere a certezas
que ele jamais critica e tenta impor aos demais. O fanático nunca duvida. Sua
fala e atos sempre são afirmativos, sua
escrita não conhece o sinal de interrogação, mas apenas o de exclamação. Seu discurso
não busca persuadir pois sempre quer mandar sem réplicas. O fanático é surdo
para as falas que não repetem suas doutrinas. Ele não ouve razões alheias que,
no seu entender, são crime a ser punido com castigos físicos, morais, ou a
morte. Elias Canetti, em Massa e Poder, fala dos poderosos
que acumulam corpos mortos, para que o seu apenas sobreviva. Ela também fala de
quem acumula riquezas, do famoso que
acumula aplausos ao seu nome. Ele não fala, nem seria preciso, do fanático que
acumula espinhas curvadas diante de sua prática aterrorizante. Ele também
acumula corpos de crianças, mulheres, jovens e idosos imolados à sua crença. A
lógica do fanático é a seguinte: existem lados na sociedade. E nestes lados
vivem o bem e o mal. O bem, por definição, está no acampamento do fanático. O
mal, claro, reside nos setores que não o reconhecem.
O fanático é hipócrita,
pois usa a máscara da religião, da democracia, do bem comum social, da justiça,
para minar os mesmos valores em nome de seus desejos. O fanático ignora toda
amizade efetiva . Para ele, quem não
aceita seus ultimatos são inimigos. Amigos, e sempre temporários, só os que
pertencem no momento ao seu círculo sectário. O fanático não valoriza partidos
políticos ou religiosos, mas vive e lavora em regime de facção, prestes a dar
golpes nos agrupamentos que ele considera inimigos. O fanático se revela
corrupto e não é responsável: se
calunia, rouba, mata, tudo é feito por ele em nome da Causa que, por
definição jamais pode ser criticada pelos outros mortais. Se estes últimos
falam em nome próprio, o fanático sempre se julga a voz de Deus, da História,
da Ideologia, da Raça. E, como pressuposto, sua divindade, sua história, sua
raça e ideologia são “superiores”. Os
seus decretos de vida e morte são inapeláveis. O fanático não aceita o Estado e
a sociedade porque, na sua mente, só ele encarna o verdadeiro Estado e a
verdadeira sociedade : ambos definidos pela sua crença. O fanático, como o
terrorista, não reconhece autonomia e independência dos poderes porque ele se
julga legislador, executor, julgador e carrasco. Sua lei não pode ser pensada
ou discutida. O fanático é o executivo sem amarra externa, legislativa ou
judicial. O próprio fanático é molécula das ditaduras mas, ao contrário das
ditaduras comuns, a dele precisa durar eternamente.
O fanático não reconhece
cidadanias, pois deseja mansos rebanhos comandados por ele. O fanatismo não tem
base na ordem natural ou humana. Ele é uma distorção subjetiva, ocorrida na
mente e na vontade. Como não pode se impor pelos meios da fala e do exemplo, ele
só consegue mandar com violência física ou moral o que aprofunda o medo da morte cívica ou
biológica. O fanático não reconhece autoridade alheias : religiosa,
intelectual, política. Ele é o princípio e o fim de toda autoridade. O
fanatismo não encontra lugar no prudente pensamento. Ele mora nas paixões do
orgulho, do poder, no que os gregos chamam pleonexia (pleon echein): ele não
aceita limites para o seu poder. O fanatismo é satânico. Lemos no Paraíso
Perdido do poeta John Milton, que Lucifer o pai da arrogância e do
orgulho. O fanático é ambicioso e não aceita limites ao seu poder, riqueza,
honra. Só ele deve mandar, só ele deve enriquecer, só ele deve ser honrado.
O fanático ignora as
virtudes coletivas da simpatia, despreza o termo e a realidade da misericórdia
e do respeito. Se não encontra espinhas dóceis, além das ameaças, usa o insulto, os palavrões contra quem pensa
diferente dele. Um Deus cruel fala pela sua lingua e decreta o certo e o errado
na sua integralidade, nada resta para a opção das pessoas. Quem não segue seus
caminhos está condenado à morte e ao inferno, sem compaixão. Assim, é certo
para o fanático destruir os inimigos da sua fé. Ele não aceita a igualdade
jurídica nem a diferença de idéias. O fruto do fanatismo não é um povo
pacífico, amigo e fraterno, mas a divisão, a perseguição mútua, o sacrifício
dos dissidentes. O fruto do fanatismo é a guerra civil. Para o sectário
faccioso, governantes que não se dobram aos seus ditames são tiranos e devem
ser depostos ou mortos. O fanático não aceita eleições em que ele perde, só as
que vence, sempre está à espreita de um golpe de Estado se os eleitores não o
escolhem. O fanático ignora a coexistência dos opostos, mas louva a perseguição
à diferença. O fanático pode se alojar na esquerda, direita, centro da
política. Ele endurece toda prática e discurso, pois odeia o debate, o diálogo,
a tolerância.
O que é o fanatismo? É o
efeito de uma consciência falsa que abusa das coisas mais nobres e sujeita a
política, a religião, as artes, as ciências aos caprichos de sua imaginação
febril, às suas paixões do orgulho, ambição, desejo de mando.
Quais são os componentes
do fanatismo?
certezas aceitas sem exame. Para afirmar uma idéia, é preciso estudar a sua
história, a sua consistência lógica, a sua adequação à realidade. Mas as noções
fanáticas são paradoxais, e não raro vão contra a racionalidade humana, o
estudo, a comprovação factual. Elas têm mais a forma de imaginação delirante do
que pensamento.
obscuros e delirantes geram seitas que
se guerreiam e lutam para que o coletivo inteiro se torne inimigo dos seus
inimigos. Batalhas sectárias se transformam em guerras civis.
fonte do fanatismo é o moralismo. O moralista, ao contrário da pessoa moral,
limpa o exterior mas guarda a sujeira como num túmulo. O moralista tem o odor
da morte em tudo o que faz e diz. Ele, neste sentido, é fundamentalista: a letra vale mais do que o espírito.
fonte do fanatismo é a incomprensão dos deveres. O ser humano vive num complexo
de ordens e leis, dentre as quais ele deve optar se quiser o respeito dos semelhantes.
O fanático não tem a experiência da vacilação e da escolha, aceita normas e as
impõem sem refletir. Daí, suas certezas serem duras e, ao mesmo tempo, tolas.
O fanático usa a intolerância já existente nas
religiões e partidos e a transforma, de relativa em absoluta.
fonte do seu recrutamento é o fato seguinte : as seitas fanáticas são perseguidas.
Como são perseguidas, só entendem a lingua da perseguição, ignoram o diálogo.
muito sofrem, os fanáticos adquirem impassibilidade: eles não sofrem com a dor
alheia. Aprendem a ser implacáveis.
fanatismo oferece segurança, ao contrário da liberdade que só tem desafios a
fanático”diz a Enciclopédia de Diderot, “faz um mal maior à humanidade do que
o impio. Estes últimos pretendem se livrar de todo jugo. Já o fanático quer
ampliar seus ferros para toda a terra”.
essas marcas do fanatismo, as retiro da Enciclopédia francêsa comandada por
Denis Diderot, pensador das Luzes no século 18. A responsabilidade do verbete é
de Deleyre, um colaborador de Diderot. Algo da minha lavra foi posto nas frases
Brasil vive uma crise inédita de sociedade e de Estado. Tal crise inclui uma
urbanização intensa, pois ainda em 1960 nosso país pouco ia além da franja do Oceano
Atlântico. Logo após a inauguração de Brasília tivemos um enorme crescimento de
cidades no interior. Todas elas são carentes de políticas públicas (água,
esgôto, segurança, saúde, escola, cultura, etc). Com a centralização excessiva
das mesmas políticas públicas no Executivo federal, os impostos saem das
cidades mas só retornam pelo apadrinhamento de lobbies e políticos. Muitos deles cobram uma taxa dos municípios
tendo em vista sua reeleição. As massas urbanas, carentes de quase tudo, têm no
entanto acesso às informações: a imprensa cresceu bastante, o rádio e a TV
trazem contínuas notícias, a internet pode ser acessada em qualquer lugar
mesmo passo em que as massas urbanas se informam e amadurecem, a máquina do
Estado brasileiro é anacrônica, centralista, favorece a corrupção. Não existe elo
federativo de fato em nosso país, mas um império do poder central, que retira
dos Estados e munícipios toda autonomia efetiva. A burocracia gigantesca
favorece o desperdício de recursos, o apadrinhamento de grupos econômicos e
políticos. O poder de Estado brasileiro existe para garantir privilégios aos
que integram os três poderes. Se fossem cortados todos os privilégios dos que
operam o poder, alguns trilhões sobrariam para as políticas públicas. Cito
apenas os carros, motoristas, gasolina, pedágios e outros enfeitos usados por
vereadores, prefeitos, secretários, deputados estaduais, federais, senadores,
ministros, magistrados, etc. Outro abuso encontra-se nas contas de publicidade
dos governos, do município ao Palácio do Planalto. Tais gastos, supostamente
para informar a opinião pública em assuntos relevantes para a saúde, educação,
segurança, etc. na verdade constituem meios de propaganda e intimidação da
cidadania, paradoxo e medo, portanto. Cito por último (a lista seria
interminável), os “cargos em confiança” em número inédito e desconhecido no
mundo. Eles representam na verdade cabos eleitorais a serviço de políticos e
partidos, fontes de corrupção perene. Todos esses abusos são aceitos, apoiados,
louvados pelos fanáticos, pois servem à Causa, ajudam a conseguir o alvo final
que é o de impor o poder ao todo da sociedade.
partidos políticos são máquinas anacrônicas e pouco democráticas. Elas são
dominadas por grupos de velhos políticos que nelas mandam com mão férrea.
Alguns estão nos postos diretivos há décadas e décadas. Temos aí verdadeiros
proprietários dos partidos pois controlam as alianças, os apoios ou oposições
aos governos, as candidaturas, as propagandas, e sobretudo os cofres. Nas
agremiações não existem corretivos aos desmandos dos dirigentes, não ocorrem
eleições primárias, a fiscalização pelos filiados é quimera. A Justiça eleitoral,
por sua vez, emperra o processo das eleições com mandamentos pouco democráticos
e mostra ineficiência na fiscalização das contas partidárias. Fala-se muito em
financiamento público de campanha. Mas sem democratizar os partidos, sem exigir
que as direções sejam mudadas a cada dois anos pelo menos, a ditadura dos
grupos poderosos será mantida e ampliada pela suposta reforma política e seu
tipo de financiamento. Agora mesmo, num arroubo de descaso pela crise econômica
que mostra sinais terríveis, o fundo partidário foi aumentado de maneira
inusitada. Como os atuais dirigentes são donos dos cofres, imaginemos o que
pode ocorrer se o financiamento for totalmente garantido pelos contribuintes,
em termos de corrupção, arbítrio, abuso do poder pelos donos dos partidos. Os
oligarcas partidários mandam nas candidaturas, nas alianças, nos cofres. Mandam
também na propaganda eleitoral “gratuita” que leva bilhões da vida econômica,
paga marqueteiros aos milhões, mente de modo desavergonhado e intimida
eleitores. O medo surge novamente, nas operações de marketing político. Basta
ver o que ocorreu na última campanha presidencial quando mentiras e medo
partilharam as imagens da TV, as ondas do rádio, as páginas de jornais
dependentes dos recursos financeiros governamentais.
máquina do Estado emperrada, os partidos autocráticos dão as costas à
cidadania, sobretudo à juventude. Esta foge das agremiações e não recebe nelas
acolhida. Se entram para os partidos é para cumprir tarefas, obedecer aos donos
do organismo à espera de uma possível candidatura a cargo público. Os jovens,
nos partidos, não aprendem a liderar, mas a obedecer servilmente. Daí a nossa
carência de novos estadistas. Peço aos senhores que enumerem mentalmente o
número de nossos líderes nacionais. Com certeza, a conta não supera os dedos
das mãos.
com imensa burocracia emperrada, partidos ossificados, juventude expulsa ou
fugindo da política.
temos uma terrível novidade entre nós. Partidos que chegaram ao poder nacional
decretam a divisão do país entre “eles”e “nós”. Ou seja, só merece respeito
quem segue os nossos ditames. Os “outros”, por definição, pertencem às hostes
inimigas. Esta é a palavra que deslancha o fanatismo, que estimula a secessão,
que provoca a guerra civil, que justifica os golpes de Estado.
O que disse é o bastante para evocar os labirintos de nossa vida pública. O
perigo maior é o crescimento da lógica fanática. O jurista alemão Carl Schmitt,
idealizador do confronto político entre “amigo”e “inimigo” e justificador de Hitler,
está em voga em muitos ambientes nacionais. Ele já esteve na moda na era Vargas
quando Francisco Campos, leitor de Schmitt, idealizou a Polaca, constituição
fascista que instaurou um Estado que ignorou todos os direitos da cidadania,
sobretudo o direito à divergência em relação ao governo.
ordem democrática não existe a divisão entre “nós”e “eles”, entre o “nosso
lado”e o “deles”. Todos são responsáveis pela vida comum, todos merecem
respeito. Em Francogallia,
tratado jurídico que ajudou a instaurar o moderno Estado democrático, Francisco
Hotmann resume o ponto ao dizer que “é essencial à liberdade que as questões
coletivas sejam administradas sob o conselho e autoridade de quem deve suportar
seu risco, pois segundo antigo ditado, o relativo a todos deve ser aprovado por
todos’”. Althusius afirma o mesmo : “é
justo que o relativo a todos, seja resolvido por todos”(Política). A tese de
fundo reside na certeza de que o governante detém o uso do poder, mas a sua
fonte é o povo, a quem deve prestar contas. O governo que se deixa levar pela
diferenciação entre “nós”e “eles” não passa de uma facção fanática. Lutemos
para que o Brasil não seja estraçalhado pelas seitas, mas seja a terra comum de todos,
livres e iguais.
E lá vai uma imperfeita tradução pelo Google.
is a blind and passionate zeal born of hardened beliefs and that is to
commit ridiculous, unjust and cruel acts, not only without shame or
remorse, but with a kind of joy and comfort. Fanaticism is the refusal of any free and democratic social life.
Imagine a huge temple where every in meter there is an altar to God right enemy of others, put into near altars. The war between several followers is not limited to inside of the temple but goes out of it, without prejudice to all the others there committed services. The technique used by the followers of all the gods is the paradox. Paradox is the Greek term that means going against the common sense. Absurdities are used by fanatics to marvel or bring fear to those who do not share their beliefs. The paradoxical statements are accompanied by paradoxical gestures, wonders, promises miracles. Fear, especially for their lives and the meaning of life. The fanatics usually terrify the people who are not yet attracted by their dogmas. Hell to the death threats, the fanaticism recipe fear is the yeast that leavens the dough.
Fear divides the persons physical or morally threatened by fanatic. He, the fanatic, does not accept his minority status and tries to disorientate the majority, he generates war and secession. A means to that end, libel, slander, lies on those who do not live in the sect and even those who live there but not quite approve his methods and certainties. The fight fanatic to impose dogmas starts in pursuit of those who, instead of believing in his word, seek the truth outside the circles dominated by him. Fear makes the fanatic indicate scape goats, propitiatory victims, which should be slaughtered so that their party is accepted or placated. There is physical or moral fanaticism against the person contrary to the sectarian faith. The more fair and prudent is a person, the more she will be a candidate for the attack. Children and the elderly are also intended for sacrifice, for the former are far from agile militant, useful to fanaticism, and the latter left the age when they can be useful to the killer .
Fanaticism is found in all societies, classes, human situations. In churches and political parties there are fanatics and wise people. In a social crisis, political or economic, however, the fanatics gain relief, enjoying the fear of society to deepen the struggle of all against all. Fanaticism is installed in the Islamic world or Christian, Catholic or Protestant, atheist or religious. The fanatic adheres to certainties he never complains and tries to impose on others. The fanatic never doubts. His speech and actions are always affirmative, his writing does not know the question mark, but only the exclamation. His speech does not seek to persuade it always wants to have no replicas. The fanatic is deaf to the lines that do not repeat their doctrines. He does not listen to reasons beyond that, in his view, are crime to be punished with physical, moral punishment, or death. Elias Canetti, Mass and Power, speaks of the powerful accumulating dead bodies, so your only survive. She also speaks of who accumulates wealth, the famous drifting applause to his name. He does not speak, nor would it be necessary, the fanatic who accumulates curved spines before his terrifying practice. It also accumulates bodies of children, women, young and elderly sacrificed to their belief. The fanatic of logic is this: There are sides in society. And these sides live good and evil. The good, by definition, is the fanatic camp. Evil, of course, lies in the sectors that do not recognize.
The fanatic is hypocritical, because wearing the mask of religion, democracy, social common good, justice, to undermine the same values in the name of your desires. The fanatic ignores all actual friendship. For him, who does not accept their ultimatums are enemies. Friends, and always temporary, only those who belong at the moment to its sectarian circle. The fanatic does not value religious or political parties, but lives and lavora faction system, about to give blows on groupings that he considers enemies. The fanatic is revealed corrupt and is not responsible, if slander, steal, kill, everything is done by him on behalf of the Cause which by definition can never be criticized by other mortals. If the latter speak for itself, the fanatic always believed the voice of God, History, Ideology, the Race. And, as a prerequisite, your divinity, history, race and ideology are "superior". Your decrees of life and death can not be appealed. The fanatic does not accept the State and society because, in his mind, only he embodies the true state and the real society: both defined by their belief. The fanatic, as the terrorist does not recognize autonomy and separation of powers because it is believed legislator, performer, judge and executioner. His law can not be considered or discussed. The fanatic is the executive without external, legislative or judicial ties. The very fanatic is dictatorships molecule but, unlike ordinary dictatorships, his need to last forever.
The fanatic does not recognize citizenship, because he wants to tame herds led by him. Fanaticism has no basis in natural or human order. It is a subjective distortion occurred in the mind and will. How can one not be imposed by means of speech and example, he can only send with physical or moral violence which deepens the fear of civic or biological death. The fanatic does not recognize outside authority: religious, intellectual, political. He is the beginning and the end of all authority. Fanaticism no place in the conservative thought. He lives in the passions of pride, power, as the Greeks call pleonexia (pleon echein): it does not accept limits to its power. Fanaticism is satanic. We read in Paradise Lost poet John Milton, Lucifer the father of arrogance and pride. The fanatic is ambitious and does not accept limits to their power, wealth, honor. Only he should have, he alone must enrich, only he should be honored.
The fanatic ignores the collective virtues of sympathy, despise the term and the reality of mercy and respect. If you do not find docile pimples, and threats, using insulting, swearing against those who think differently from him. A cruel God speaks through his tongue and decrees right and wrong in its entirety, nothing is left to the choice of the people. Who does not follow his ways are condemned to death and hell, without compassion. Thus, it is right for the fanatic destroy the enemies of their faith. He does not accept legal equality or the difference of ideas. The fruit of fanaticism is not a peaceful people, friend and fraternal, but the division, mutual persecution, the sacrifice of dissidents. The fruit of fanaticism is civil war. For the divisive sectarian, rulers who do not bend to its dictates are tyrants and should be deposed or killed. The fanatic does not accept elections in which he lost, only who wins, is always on the prowl for a coup if voters do not choose. The fanatic ignores the coexistence of opposites, but praises the pursuit of difference. The fanatic can live in the left, right, center of politics. He hardens every practice and discourse, since hates debate, dialogue, tolerance.
What is fanaticism? It is the effect of a false consciousness that abuses of the noblest things and subject to politics, religion, the arts, the sciences to the whims of his fevered imagination, their passions of pride, ambition, desire to command.
What are the components of fanaticism?
1) certainties accepted without examination. To affirm an idea, one must study its history, its logical consistency, their suitability to reality. But the fanatical notions are paradoxical, and often go against human rationality, the study, the factual evidence. They have more the form of delusional imagination than thought.2) dark and delusional Dogmas generate sects that war and struggle for the whole collective become the enemy of their enemies. Sectarian battles turn into civil wars.3) A source of fanaticism is moralism. The moralist, unlike the moral person, clean the outside but keeps the dirt like a tomb. The moralist has the odor of death in everything he does and says. He, in this sense, it is fundamental: the letter is worth more than the spirit.4) Another source of fanaticism is the incomprensão duties. The human being lives in a complex orders and laws, among which he must choose if you want the respect of similar. The fanatic does not have the experience of hesitation and choice, accepted standards and impose without thinking. Hence, they are hard and their certainty, while silly.5) The fanatic uses the existing intolerance in religions and parties and transforms, relative to absolute.6) A source of recruitment is the following fact: the fanatical sects are persecuted. How are persecuted, only understand the language of persecution, ignore the dialog.7) Because so much suffering, the fanatics acquire dispassion: they do not suffer from the pain of others. They learn to be ruthless.8) Fanatica provides security, unlike freedom only has to provide challenges.9) "The fanatic" says the Encyclopedia of Diderot, "is a greater evil to mankind than the unrighteous. The latter want to get rid of every yoke. But the fanatic wants to expand your irons for the whole earth. "
All these brands of fanaticism, the retreat of the French Encyclopedia led by Denis Diderot, thinker of the Enlightenment in the 18th century The responsibility of the entry is Deleyre, a developer of Diderot. Something of my mining was put in the above sentences.
Brazil is experiencing an unprecedented crisis of society and state. This crisis includes an intense urbanization, because still in 1960 our country just went beyond the Atlantic fringe. Soon after the inauguration of Brasilia had a huge boom towns in the interior. All of them are lacking in public policy (water, sewer, security, health, school, culture, etc). With the excessive centralization of the same public policy at the federal Executive, taxes come out of the cities but only return the sponsorship of lobbies and politicians. Many of them charge a fee of municipalities in order to re-election. The urban masses, lacking almost everything, have however access to information: the press grew, radio and TV bring continuous news, the internet can be accessed anywhere away.
In the same step in which the urban masses are informed and mature, the Brazilian state machine is anachronistic, centralist leads to corruption. There is no federal bond of fact in our country, but a central power of the empire, which removes the states and municipalities all effective autonomy. The bloated bureaucracy favors the waste of resources, sponsorship of economic and political groups. The Brazilian state power exists to ensure privileges to those included in the three powers. If they cut all the privileges of operating power, a few trillion would be left to public policy. I cite only the cars, drivers, gasoline, tolls and other enfeitos used by councilors, mayors, secretaries, state legislators, federal, senators, ministers, judges, etc. Another abuse is the advertising accounts of governments, the municipality in the Presidential Palace. Such expenses, supposedly to inform the public on relevant issues for health, education, security, etc. actually are a means of propaganda and intimidation of citizenship, paradox and fear so. I quote last (the list is endless), the "confidence in positions" in unpublished and unknown number in the world. They represent in fact the political canvassers service and parties, perennial corruption sources. All these abuses are accepted, supported, praised by fanatics, because they serve the Cause, help to achieve the final target is to impose the power to the whole of society.
Our political parties are anachronistic and undemocratic machines. They are dominated by old politicians groups that send them with iron hand. Some are in governing positions for decades and decades. Here we have true owners of the parties as they control alliances, support or opposition to governments, applications, advertisements, and especially the coffers. The associations are not corrective to the excesses of the leaders, do not occur primaries, supervision by affiliates is chimera. Electoral Justice, in turn, damages the process of elections with little democratic commandments and shows inefficiency in supervision of party accounts. There is much talk in public campaign financing. But without democratic parties, without requiring that the directions are changed every two years at least, the dictatorship of the powerful groups will be maintained and expanded by the supposed political reform and its funding. Right now, in a burst of disregard for the economic crisis that shows terrible signs, the party fund was increased in an unusual way. As the current leaders are owners of safes, imagine what could happen if funding is fully guaranteed by taxpayers, in terms of corruption, will, abuse of power by the owners of the parties. The oligarchs supporters send in applications, in alliances, in the vaults. Send also in electoral propaganda "free" that takes billions of economic, marketers paid the millions, mind shameless way and intimidate voters. Fear arises again, in political marketing operations. Just look at what happened in the last presidential campaign when lies and fear shared images of TV, radio waves, the dependent newspaper pages of government financial resources.
The machine jammed state, autocratic parties turn their backs to citizenship, especially the youth. This escape of associations and not get them accepted. If go to parties is to accomplish tasks, meet the owners of the body waiting for a possible candidacy for public office. Young people, parties, do not learn to lead, but to obey slavishly. Hence our lack of new statesmen. I would ask that mentally enumerate the number of our national leaders. Certainly, the account does not exceed the fingers.
State stuck with immense bureaucracy, ossified parties, youth expelled or fleeing political.
Now we have a terrible novelty among us. Parties that reached the national power decree dividing the country between "them" and "us." That is, only deserves respect those who follow our dictates. The "other", by definition, belong to the enemy hordes. This is the word that kicks off the fanaticism, which stimulates the secession, which causes the civil war, justifying the coup plotters.
End. What he said is enough to evoke the labyrinths of our public life. The greatest danger is the growth of fanatical logic. The German jurist Carl Schmitt, founder of the political confrontation between "friend" and "enemy" and the justifier of Hitler, is in vogue in many national environments. He has been fashionable in the Vargas era when Francisco Campos, Schmitt player, envisioned the Polish, fascist constitution that established a State which has ignored all the rights of citizenship, especially the right to divergence from the government.
In democratic order there is no division between "us" and "them", between "our side" and "them." Everyone is responsible for common life, everyone deserves respect. In Francogallia, legal treaty that helped establish the modern democratic state, Francisco Hotmann sums up the point by saying that "it is essential to liberty that collective issues are administered under the advice and authority of who should bear their risk, because according to the old saying, relative to all must be approved by all. '" Althusius says the same: "It's just that on all, be resolved by all" (Policy). The background thesis lies in the certainty that the ruler has the use of power, but its source is the people, to whom it is accountable. The government is led by the differentiation between "us" and "them" is nothing but a fanatical faction. Let us fight for Brazil is not shattered by the sects, but is common of all, free and equal.
Imagine a huge temple where every in meter there is an altar to God right enemy of others, put into near altars. The war between several followers is not limited to inside of the temple but goes out of it, without prejudice to all the others there committed services. The technique used by the followers of all the gods is the paradox. Paradox is the Greek term that means going against the common sense. Absurdities are used by fanatics to marvel or bring fear to those who do not share their beliefs. The paradoxical statements are accompanied by paradoxical gestures, wonders, promises miracles. Fear, especially for their lives and the meaning of life. The fanatics usually terrify the people who are not yet attracted by their dogmas. Hell to the death threats, the fanaticism recipe fear is the yeast that leavens the dough.
Fear divides the persons physical or morally threatened by fanatic. He, the fanatic, does not accept his minority status and tries to disorientate the majority, he generates war and secession. A means to that end, libel, slander, lies on those who do not live in the sect and even those who live there but not quite approve his methods and certainties. The fight fanatic to impose dogmas starts in pursuit of those who, instead of believing in his word, seek the truth outside the circles dominated by him. Fear makes the fanatic indicate scape goats, propitiatory victims, which should be slaughtered so that their party is accepted or placated. There is physical or moral fanaticism against the person contrary to the sectarian faith. The more fair and prudent is a person, the more she will be a candidate for the attack. Children and the elderly are also intended for sacrifice, for the former are far from agile militant, useful to fanaticism, and the latter left the age when they can be useful to the killer .
Fanaticism is found in all societies, classes, human situations. In churches and political parties there are fanatics and wise people. In a social crisis, political or economic, however, the fanatics gain relief, enjoying the fear of society to deepen the struggle of all against all. Fanaticism is installed in the Islamic world or Christian, Catholic or Protestant, atheist or religious. The fanatic adheres to certainties he never complains and tries to impose on others. The fanatic never doubts. His speech and actions are always affirmative, his writing does not know the question mark, but only the exclamation. His speech does not seek to persuade it always wants to have no replicas. The fanatic is deaf to the lines that do not repeat their doctrines. He does not listen to reasons beyond that, in his view, are crime to be punished with physical, moral punishment, or death. Elias Canetti, Mass and Power, speaks of the powerful accumulating dead bodies, so your only survive. She also speaks of who accumulates wealth, the famous drifting applause to his name. He does not speak, nor would it be necessary, the fanatic who accumulates curved spines before his terrifying practice. It also accumulates bodies of children, women, young and elderly sacrificed to their belief. The fanatic of logic is this: There are sides in society. And these sides live good and evil. The good, by definition, is the fanatic camp. Evil, of course, lies in the sectors that do not recognize.
The fanatic is hypocritical, because wearing the mask of religion, democracy, social common good, justice, to undermine the same values in the name of your desires. The fanatic ignores all actual friendship. For him, who does not accept their ultimatums are enemies. Friends, and always temporary, only those who belong at the moment to its sectarian circle. The fanatic does not value religious or political parties, but lives and lavora faction system, about to give blows on groupings that he considers enemies. The fanatic is revealed corrupt and is not responsible, if slander, steal, kill, everything is done by him on behalf of the Cause which by definition can never be criticized by other mortals. If the latter speak for itself, the fanatic always believed the voice of God, History, Ideology, the Race. And, as a prerequisite, your divinity, history, race and ideology are "superior". Your decrees of life and death can not be appealed. The fanatic does not accept the State and society because, in his mind, only he embodies the true state and the real society: both defined by their belief. The fanatic, as the terrorist does not recognize autonomy and separation of powers because it is believed legislator, performer, judge and executioner. His law can not be considered or discussed. The fanatic is the executive without external, legislative or judicial ties. The very fanatic is dictatorships molecule but, unlike ordinary dictatorships, his need to last forever.
The fanatic does not recognize citizenship, because he wants to tame herds led by him. Fanaticism has no basis in natural or human order. It is a subjective distortion occurred in the mind and will. How can one not be imposed by means of speech and example, he can only send with physical or moral violence which deepens the fear of civic or biological death. The fanatic does not recognize outside authority: religious, intellectual, political. He is the beginning and the end of all authority. Fanaticism no place in the conservative thought. He lives in the passions of pride, power, as the Greeks call pleonexia (pleon echein): it does not accept limits to its power. Fanaticism is satanic. We read in Paradise Lost poet John Milton, Lucifer the father of arrogance and pride. The fanatic is ambitious and does not accept limits to their power, wealth, honor. Only he should have, he alone must enrich, only he should be honored.
The fanatic ignores the collective virtues of sympathy, despise the term and the reality of mercy and respect. If you do not find docile pimples, and threats, using insulting, swearing against those who think differently from him. A cruel God speaks through his tongue and decrees right and wrong in its entirety, nothing is left to the choice of the people. Who does not follow his ways are condemned to death and hell, without compassion. Thus, it is right for the fanatic destroy the enemies of their faith. He does not accept legal equality or the difference of ideas. The fruit of fanaticism is not a peaceful people, friend and fraternal, but the division, mutual persecution, the sacrifice of dissidents. The fruit of fanaticism is civil war. For the divisive sectarian, rulers who do not bend to its dictates are tyrants and should be deposed or killed. The fanatic does not accept elections in which he lost, only who wins, is always on the prowl for a coup if voters do not choose. The fanatic ignores the coexistence of opposites, but praises the pursuit of difference. The fanatic can live in the left, right, center of politics. He hardens every practice and discourse, since hates debate, dialogue, tolerance.
What is fanaticism? It is the effect of a false consciousness that abuses of the noblest things and subject to politics, religion, the arts, the sciences to the whims of his fevered imagination, their passions of pride, ambition, desire to command.
What are the components of fanaticism?
1) certainties accepted without examination. To affirm an idea, one must study its history, its logical consistency, their suitability to reality. But the fanatical notions are paradoxical, and often go against human rationality, the study, the factual evidence. They have more the form of delusional imagination than thought.2) dark and delusional Dogmas generate sects that war and struggle for the whole collective become the enemy of their enemies. Sectarian battles turn into civil wars.3) A source of fanaticism is moralism. The moralist, unlike the moral person, clean the outside but keeps the dirt like a tomb. The moralist has the odor of death in everything he does and says. He, in this sense, it is fundamental: the letter is worth more than the spirit.4) Another source of fanaticism is the incomprensão duties. The human being lives in a complex orders and laws, among which he must choose if you want the respect of similar. The fanatic does not have the experience of hesitation and choice, accepted standards and impose without thinking. Hence, they are hard and their certainty, while silly.5) The fanatic uses the existing intolerance in religions and parties and transforms, relative to absolute.6) A source of recruitment is the following fact: the fanatical sects are persecuted. How are persecuted, only understand the language of persecution, ignore the dialog.7) Because so much suffering, the fanatics acquire dispassion: they do not suffer from the pain of others. They learn to be ruthless.8) Fanatica provides security, unlike freedom only has to provide challenges.9) "The fanatic" says the Encyclopedia of Diderot, "is a greater evil to mankind than the unrighteous. The latter want to get rid of every yoke. But the fanatic wants to expand your irons for the whole earth. "
All these brands of fanaticism, the retreat of the French Encyclopedia led by Denis Diderot, thinker of the Enlightenment in the 18th century The responsibility of the entry is Deleyre, a developer of Diderot. Something of my mining was put in the above sentences.
Brazil is experiencing an unprecedented crisis of society and state. This crisis includes an intense urbanization, because still in 1960 our country just went beyond the Atlantic fringe. Soon after the inauguration of Brasilia had a huge boom towns in the interior. All of them are lacking in public policy (water, sewer, security, health, school, culture, etc). With the excessive centralization of the same public policy at the federal Executive, taxes come out of the cities but only return the sponsorship of lobbies and politicians. Many of them charge a fee of municipalities in order to re-election. The urban masses, lacking almost everything, have however access to information: the press grew, radio and TV bring continuous news, the internet can be accessed anywhere away.
In the same step in which the urban masses are informed and mature, the Brazilian state machine is anachronistic, centralist leads to corruption. There is no federal bond of fact in our country, but a central power of the empire, which removes the states and municipalities all effective autonomy. The bloated bureaucracy favors the waste of resources, sponsorship of economic and political groups. The Brazilian state power exists to ensure privileges to those included in the three powers. If they cut all the privileges of operating power, a few trillion would be left to public policy. I cite only the cars, drivers, gasoline, tolls and other enfeitos used by councilors, mayors, secretaries, state legislators, federal, senators, ministers, judges, etc. Another abuse is the advertising accounts of governments, the municipality in the Presidential Palace. Such expenses, supposedly to inform the public on relevant issues for health, education, security, etc. actually are a means of propaganda and intimidation of citizenship, paradox and fear so. I quote last (the list is endless), the "confidence in positions" in unpublished and unknown number in the world. They represent in fact the political canvassers service and parties, perennial corruption sources. All these abuses are accepted, supported, praised by fanatics, because they serve the Cause, help to achieve the final target is to impose the power to the whole of society.
Our political parties are anachronistic and undemocratic machines. They are dominated by old politicians groups that send them with iron hand. Some are in governing positions for decades and decades. Here we have true owners of the parties as they control alliances, support or opposition to governments, applications, advertisements, and especially the coffers. The associations are not corrective to the excesses of the leaders, do not occur primaries, supervision by affiliates is chimera. Electoral Justice, in turn, damages the process of elections with little democratic commandments and shows inefficiency in supervision of party accounts. There is much talk in public campaign financing. But without democratic parties, without requiring that the directions are changed every two years at least, the dictatorship of the powerful groups will be maintained and expanded by the supposed political reform and its funding. Right now, in a burst of disregard for the economic crisis that shows terrible signs, the party fund was increased in an unusual way. As the current leaders are owners of safes, imagine what could happen if funding is fully guaranteed by taxpayers, in terms of corruption, will, abuse of power by the owners of the parties. The oligarchs supporters send in applications, in alliances, in the vaults. Send also in electoral propaganda "free" that takes billions of economic, marketers paid the millions, mind shameless way and intimidate voters. Fear arises again, in political marketing operations. Just look at what happened in the last presidential campaign when lies and fear shared images of TV, radio waves, the dependent newspaper pages of government financial resources.
The machine jammed state, autocratic parties turn their backs to citizenship, especially the youth. This escape of associations and not get them accepted. If go to parties is to accomplish tasks, meet the owners of the body waiting for a possible candidacy for public office. Young people, parties, do not learn to lead, but to obey slavishly. Hence our lack of new statesmen. I would ask that mentally enumerate the number of our national leaders. Certainly, the account does not exceed the fingers.
State stuck with immense bureaucracy, ossified parties, youth expelled or fleeing political.
Now we have a terrible novelty among us. Parties that reached the national power decree dividing the country between "them" and "us." That is, only deserves respect those who follow our dictates. The "other", by definition, belong to the enemy hordes. This is the word that kicks off the fanaticism, which stimulates the secession, which causes the civil war, justifying the coup plotters.
End. What he said is enough to evoke the labyrinths of our public life. The greatest danger is the growth of fanatical logic. The German jurist Carl Schmitt, founder of the political confrontation between "friend" and "enemy" and the justifier of Hitler, is in vogue in many national environments. He has been fashionable in the Vargas era when Francisco Campos, Schmitt player, envisioned the Polish, fascist constitution that established a State which has ignored all the rights of citizenship, especially the right to divergence from the government.
In democratic order there is no division between "us" and "them", between "our side" and "them." Everyone is responsible for common life, everyone deserves respect. In Francogallia, legal treaty that helped establish the modern democratic state, Francisco Hotmann sums up the point by saying that "it is essential to liberty that collective issues are administered under the advice and authority of who should bear their risk, because according to the old saying, relative to all must be approved by all. '" Althusius says the same: "It's just that on all, be resolved by all" (Policy). The background thesis lies in the certainty that the ruler has the use of power, but its source is the people, to whom it is accountable. The government is led by the differentiation between "us" and "them" is nothing but a fanatical faction. Let us fight for Brazil is not shattered by the sects, but is common of all, free and equal.