Wall Street Funds Down From Obama's Inaugural Run
In the 2008 pr
esidential campaign, then-Democratic nominee Barack Obama was raising campaign funds at unprecedented rates. The securities and investment industry
proved to be a major source of those funds. At this point in the
election cycle, the industry had contributed $14.5 million to the future

Wall Street has been less generous to Obama this time
around. According to Center for Responsive Politics data, the industry
has contributed only $5.5 million (the figure doesn't include the first three months of the cycle's first year, unlike the 2008 number).
Republican challenger Mitt Romney, on the other hand, has received more than three times that amount, at $18.3 million. The securities and investment industry is second to only retired persons -- which is No. 1 for both the nominees -- in donating to Romney.
While in 2008, Goldman Sachs was Obama's second highest contributor and securities and investment his fourth highest industry, Goldman has plunged to 53rd currently and the industry ranks ninth for him this cycle.
This time four years ago, Republican nominee John McCain
had received $9.5 million from Wall Street despite accepting public
financing that curtailed private donations. McCain had a better June
than Obama, outraising him by $621,000 with this industry. But by
September, the Obama team was running away with Wall Street
contributions, outraising McCain by $1.7 million that month.

Romney, who no doubt knows a thing or
two about operating on Wall Street, said he plans on repealing the law
if elected (which he can't do unilaterally), but has also said that some
Wall Street regulation is essential. Obama has accused Romney of
wanting a deregulated investment sector that operates the same way it
did leading up the the financial crisis.
Photo courtesy of TonnariPost A News Mashup, Flickr.